the sex lives of college girls 2021

The Sex Lives of College Girls

2021 | series

DoP Chuck Ozeas | Rick Page I David J. Miller

Director Kabir Akhtar| Zoe R. Cassavetes | Maggie Carey | Meredith Dawson | David Gordon Green | Liza Johnson | Lila Neugebauer | Rachel Raimist I Thembi Banks I Rupinder Gill I Justin Noble I David Stassen

Leitz lens SUMMILUX-C

Camera Sony Venice

Production Companies 3 Arts Entertainment | Kaling International | Warner Bros. Television

Distribution 24TV I Amazon Prime Video I Amediateka I HBO Latin America I HBO Max I ITV2 I ITVX I IVI I KINO1TV I KION I NTV-PLUS Online TV I OKKO I WINK '

Awards 3 wins & 6 nominations

Equipment Supplier Otto Nemenz | Los Angeles

Country USA

Lens used



Fast, compact, reliable, beautiful in color and excellent in contrast.

Leitz Summilux C 35mm

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